NC State College of Engineering

NC State is home to one of the world’s finest colleges of engineering and computer science. NC State Engineering integrates classroom learning, research, and hands-on experience, and our graduates emerge with the skills they need to succeed. Award winners will take part in a week-long pre-selected summer camp, completing hands-on engineering challenges, exploring solutions, and sharing achievements along with other aspiring engineers.

Scholarship to attend NC State Engineering Summer Camp

  • ENBM084 — Wearable Memory Assistive Device for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Patients Using Machine Learning Facial Recognition
    Anshi Paul, Hershey High School, Hummelstown, PA, United States of America

  • ROBO074 — A Novel Convolutional Neural Network Random Forest Hybrid Model to Aid in the Identification of Tree Species Using Multispectral and LiDAR Data
    Isaiah Antoine Houssou, Camp Hill High School, Camp Hill, PA, United States of America